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Fs 1 6 1 – Note Manager Job

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Volume 1:Agency Standards
Chapter 1:Case Management
Section 6:Service Completion
Last revised:2009/11/23

This section contains case management standards related to ending the provision of services through either transferring or closing a case by a mandated child and family services agency.



1.1.6 Service Completion. A copy of the letter from the sending agency to the receiving agency requesting the transfer. Duties of Case Manager in Closing a Case - The case manager informs all service providers connected with the case and closing summary and all documents within one month of the date when the decision to close was made. One Tier 1 financial client came to EY with this problem. It had faced challenges in implementing technological transformations in the past, and so recognized the need for creating the kind of collaborative spaces in which critical questions could be asked – and strategies shaped – before it started building technology into its operations.

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The transfer and closure stage has two parts:
Transfer – transfers responsibility for service provision to another case manager, agency or jurisdiction. Itranslate translator & dictionary 1 2. Transfers to another agency typically involve closure as well.
Closure– ends an agency's involvement in providing services.


  1. Duties of Supervisor - The case manager's supervisor:
    • authorizes and manages all case transfers
    • ensures that the case manager has:
      • complied with intake standards where applicable
      • administered the ADP and advised the family or child of their options
      • obtained written consents when required under Section 76of The Child and Family Services Act or Section 103 of The Adoption Act.
    • ensures that appropriate action has been taken when a child is or might be in need of protection
    • when applicable, ensures that service plans and decisions are current
    • ensures that the case manager notifies service providers and, in the case of a child in care, caregivers involved in the case of:
      • the case transfer and transfer date
      • the name of the new case manager and how to contact that person
      • when the transfer is to another agency, the name of the agency and how to contact the agency.
  2. Transfer to Another Agency - When the transfer is from one agency to another in Manitoba, the supervisor ensures that
    • when responsibility for delivering services to a family is transferred from one worker to another, those workers communicate orally with each other, to the extent possible, and either record the conversation in the file, or document the reason why a conversation was not possible.
    • the receiving agency provides written agreement or confirmation that it will assume responsibility for the case and the date it will do so before transferring the case
    • forwards the case record to the receiving agency by the transfer date with appropriate documentation including the most recent:
      • information on persons in the case
      • assessment and planning information
      • safety assessment and Probability of Future Harm (PFH) assessment when applicable
      • family service documents
      • court documents
      • monitoring and review (evaluation) information
    • when transferring supervision of a child in care, provides the receiving agency with a completed transfer summary including the case plan and an updated service description
  3. Authority Determination Protocol Transfers - When administration of the ADP determines that a case must be transferred to an agency of another child and family services authority, the supervisor ensures that the case is transferred:
    • within 10 working days from the time the referral is received providing the safety of a child or the integrity of a child protection investigation are not compromised
    • or a time frame agreed to between the transferring and recovering agencies or their respective child and family services authorities
  4. Transfer within Agency - When a transfer is within the agency, the supervisor:
    • when responsibility for delivering services to a family is transferred from one worker to another, those workers communicate orally with each other, to the extent possible, and either record the conversation in the file, or document the reason why a conversation was not possible
    • in assigning cases, gives first consideration when feasible to case managers who have had a positive relationship with the family
    • meets with the family or child requesting a transfer to address any issues when the transfer is to address client dissatisfaction or request for change in a worker or agency
    • reviews transfer summaries within 14 working days and places transfer summaries on the case file within 30 working days
  5. Transfer of Guardianship or Supervision (Section 49 of The Child and Family Services Act) – Before transfer of guardianship or supervision of a child (ward) to another agency in Manitoba, the supervisor of the transferring (sending) agency ensures that the case manager has completed or attached all required documentation including:
    • a copy of the letter from the sending agency to the receiving agency requesting the transfer
    • a copy of the letter from the receiving agency agreeing to the transfer including the case plan for the child
    • the order of guardianship, voluntary surrender of guardianship or order of supervision, as the case may be
    • the provincial Transfer of Guardianship form to be signed by the executive or regional director
    • a memo to the agency's authority to be signed by the executive or regional director requesting the authority to verify that all information is accurate and complete and to forward the package to the Director of Child and Family Services for approval.
  6. Transfer to Agency Outside Manitoba - When the transfer is to or from a local authority (agency or regional office) outside of Manitoba, the supervisor ensures that
    • the agency complies with the provincial/territorial protocolif applicable or, in the case of Quebec or another country, with direction received from the Child Protection Branch.
    • the interprovincial coordinator, Child Protection Branch, is copied on all transfers relating to child protection services and children in care.
    • the manager of Adoption / Post Adoption Service, Child Protection Branch, is copied on transfers relating to adoption and post-adoption services.


  1. Decision to Close a Case - The supervisor makes the decision to close during the review process.
  2. Client Preparation for Closure - In preparing for case closure, the case manager contacts family members to:
    • discuss the decision to end the agency's involvement, including the outcomes of the safety assessment and the Reassessment of the Probability of Future Harm (RPFH) assessment
    • describe the closure process
    • help the family plan for the future including identifying how extended family, community members and other service providers might be involved.
  3. Duties of Case Manager in Closing a Case - The case manager informs all service providers connected with the case and closing summary and all documents within one month of the date when the decision to close was made.
  4. Review of Closing Summary - The supervisor reviews the case record (electronic and hard copy) within seven working days to ensure that the closing summary and all documents are complete.


Transfer and Closure Processes
Transfer of Guardianship and Supervision
Transfer to Other Provinces or Territories
Transfer and Closure Decisions

Transfer and Closure Processes

Transfer refers to transferring responsibility for service provision to another worker, agency or jurisdiction. Closure refers to ending or concluding services.
Transfer may or may not involve closure. A case remains open when it is transferred to another worker within an agency. As a general rule, the transferring agency closes a case once another agency has accepted responsibility for providing services, for example, at intake.
Closing a case ends the provision of services. It typically involves consultation with key family members and service providers to review progress, reinforce strengths, identify resources within the extended family and the community, and ensure a plan is in place for the future. This consultation generally makes the change easier and ensures continuity of service.

Transfer of Guardianship and Supervision

The Director of Child and Family Services (director) has established procedures for the transfer of guardianship and supervision of children in care from one agency to another. Agencies planning to transfer guardianship or supervision of a child to another agency must submit all required documentation to their authorities to verify that it is accurate and complete. Authorities then forward the package to the director. The director requires the documentation at least two weeks prior to the transfer.

Fs 1 6 1 – Note Manager Job

Transfer to Other Provinces or Territories

The movement of children and families between provinces/territories is governed by the Provincial/Territorial Protocol on Children and Families Moving between Provinces and Territories. The interprovincial coordinator and the manager of Adoption / Post Adoption Services at the Child Protection Branch are available to provide information and guidance in the transfer of services. If a family is currently receiving services or if there is an open intake on a family which has relocated to another jurisdiction, the agency needs to contact the child and family services agency in the new jurisdiction. This may be done through the interprovincial coordinators. A decision regarding the closure of the file or intake should be made only after consultation with the new jurisdiction.
For a permanent ward, the child in care file remains open in Manitoba until the end date of the order. For a temporary order, the family file and CIC file remain open in Manitoba until the end date of the order, and for an order of supervision, the family file remains open in Manitoba until the end date of the order.

Transfer and Closure Decisions

A decision to transfer or close a case may result from a variety of reasons including:

  • administration of the Authority Determination Protocol (ADP)
  • a family or child moves to another part of the province or out of province
  • an evaluation indicates that services are no longer required
  • case management is better provided by another worker or agency.

The case management decisions at this stage are:

  • Is there a need for ongoing services to the family or child?
  • Is transfer required as a result of administering the ADP?
  • Is a transfer in the best interest of the children involved in the case?
  • How will the family or child (ren) be involved in the transfer or closure process?
  • Is there a need for follow-up?


The Child and Family Services Act
The Adoption Act

The Child and Family Services Act

Child protection proceedings in Part III of The Child and Family Services Act provide for formal transfer of cases. Under subsection 28(2), a judge or master may order that another agency be substituted for the apprehending agency for purposes of the hearing on application prior to a hearing by an agency that apprehended a child.
Section 42 of The Child and Family Services Act states that transfers involve the “receiving” agency going to court and giving evidence, including the plan to be followed if the judge agrees to order the transfer. This is the universally-followed practice even though section 42 states that the filing of the consent of the receiving agency by the agency appearing is sufficient, and appears to have been an adaptation by the courts in response to a desire by judges to have sworn testimony per transfer, over and above the minimum legally prescribed requirements set out in section 42.
Section 49 of The Child and Family Services Act states that the minister may transfer guardianship of a child from the director or an agency to another agency or to the director. The director may transfer an order of supervision from the agency having supervision to another agency.
Section 76 of The Child and Family Services Act pertains to confidentiality and access to records. Under subsection 76(3), a child and family services agency may disclose or communicate information from a record made under the Act to protect a child. However, under subsection 76(12) with respect to a voluntary service record, an agency must obtain the consent of the subject of the record created on or after April 1, 1986.

The Adoption Act

Section 103 of The Adoption Act states that all records relating to the granting of an order of adoption are confidential. Access to and disclosure of information may be given or made only in accordance with the Act.

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